And Much More.

CRE Feels Pressure From Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine sent the financial markets into a tailspin Thursday, adding new uncertainty to commercial real estate investors already …

Media Piece Commercial Observer
Jonathan Morris, a former executive at three publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REIT), is looking to fill a void he sees in the industry’s knowledge about REITs …

REIT Sectors
There are two main types of REITs: equity REITs and mortgage REITs. Equity REITs own and operate income-producing real estate and typically earn income through rents. Mortgage REITs lend money directly to real …

Pension Consultant Sees Growing Interest In Portfolio Completion Strategies Using REIT
Matt Ritter, senior research consultant for NEPC, joined guest host Meredith Despins, Nareit senior vice president …

Asia Economic Recovery Could Reverse Property’s Pecking Order
The year has started on a promising note for Asian real estate, with a series of reports last month forecasting an investment rebound …

Getting America Back To Work
Americans have been living through a period of intense uncertainty since March 2020 — struggling with an unprecedented pandemic and the economic distress it has caused …

Kastle’s reach of buildings, businesses and cardholders secured generates millions of access events daily as users enter office complexes, and individual company workspaces …